• Елена Александровна Михайлова Астраханский государственный университет им. В.Н. Татищева
  • Виктор Александрович Ручкин Астраханский государственный университет им. В.Н. Татищева
Ключевые слова: Центральная Азия, мусульманская идентичность, международное сотрудничество, Республика Казахстан, Организация Исламского Сотрудничества, гуманитарное сотрудничество


Muslim identity is the basis for cooperation between the states of Central Asia in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. The countries of Central Asia are considered by the Arabian world to be a civilizational and ethno-cultural part of the Greater Middle East.

The Republic of Kazakhstan is gradually integrating into the common cultural and civilizational space of the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. The success of such integration is determined by the various humanitarian projects of the countries of the Arabian East, especially in the religious education field and enlightenment.

The interaction between Kazakhstan and the Arabian countries in the educational sphere is ambiguously assessed by both sides of cooperation. Humanitarian and educational initiatives of governments and the activities of charitable foundations and organizations have made it possible to provide material, methodological and scientific support to religious communities and educational institutions in Kazakhstan. Arabian cultural influence was one of the factors in the emergence of a new urban middle class. An alternative social model emerged, targeting middle-class youth who were converted to Islam. In Kazakhstan the instrumentalization of Islam has led to the promotion of state-propagated Hanafism as "good Islam".

At the same time, the penetration of religious institutions and norms that were not characteristic of local Muslims created social and political problems in local communities in Kazakhstan.

Gradually, the system of foreign policy, foreign economic and humanitarian interactions between Kazakhstan and the Arabian states was streamlined.    


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مفيد كاصد الزيدي. مجلس التعاون الخليجي ودول آسيا الوسطى: رؤية مستقبلية //قضايا سياسية(На арабском языке).

جامعة نايف العربية للعلوم الأمنية et al. سفير جمهورية كازاخستان السيد باخيت باتيرشايف يزور جامعة نايف العربية للعلوم الأمنية (На арабском языке).

كلية محمد بن راشد” تشارك تجاربها في الإدارة الحكومية مع طلاب ماجستير من كازاخستان لإمارات الثلا ثا 07 يونيو (На арабском языке).

جامعة نايف العربية للعلوم الأمنية et al. سفير جمهورية كازاخستان السيد باخيت باتيرشايف يزور جامعة نايف العربية للعلوم الأمنية. 33(3). 189-212. الحوكمة الشرعية في المؤسسات المالية الإسلامية في كازاخستان: واقع وتحديات (На арабском языке).

Как цитировать
Михайлова, Е., & Ручкин, В. (2022). ГУМАНИТАРНЫЕ ИНИЦИАТИВЫ СТРАН АРАБСКОГО ВОСТОКА В РЕСПУБЛИКЕ КАЗАХСТАН В СФЕРЕ РЕЛИГИОЗНОГО ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ И ПРОСВЕЩЕНИЯ. Caspium Securitatis: журнал каспийской безопасности, 2(3), 55-66. извлечено от https://caspiumsecuritatis.ru/index.php/csj/article/view/75
Каспийские региональные исследования: Казахстан