Welcome to the site of e-journal Caspium Securitatis: Journal of Caspian Safety & Security

"Caspium Securitatis: Journal of Caspian Safety & Security" is a periodic academic e-journal (without a printed form), which publishes research articles, reviews, information resources, reports of conferences, seminars and other academic materials. The journal is devoted to the safety & security problems of the Caspian region, connected, first of all, with the humanitarian sphere.

The online edition is published four times a year.

The concept of journal is based on an innovative application of the theory of societal security. The editorial team believes that the scope of the concept of societal security is beginning to go beyond the scope of studies in Europe and North America and can be successfully used to solve problems in other territories. The concept of societal security considers a certain space, in this case, the space of the Caspian macro-region, as a single socio-geographic whole, including the water area, in the relationship of its socio-cultural, economic, informational and environmental components. The perception of the Caspian sea as a separate independent region is especially important at a time when the traditional patterns of Soviet culture are no longer relevant, and new general ones have not yet been formed.

The journal is a collective virtual platform that makes it possible to coordinate and further advance scientific research in the field of security of the Caspian macro-region by both Russian and foreign scientists interested in this issue.


Current Issue

Vol 3 No 4 (2023): Caspium Securitatis: Journal of Caspian Safety & Security
Published: 2023-12-24

Identity in the space of the South of Russia


Scientific life in the Caspian region

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